All files / runtime/src/components ActionBar.ts

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import { FunctionalComponent, h, warn } from '@vue/runtime-core'
import { NSVElement } from '../nodes'
import {
  ActionBar as TNSActionBar,
  ActionItem as TNSActionItem,
  NavigationButton as TNSNavigationButton,
  Page as TNSPage
} from '@nativescript/core'
import { NSVViewMeta } from '../registry'
export const actionBarNodeOps: NSVViewMeta['nodeOps'] = {
  insert(child, parent, atIndex) {
    const actionBar = parent.nativeView as TNSActionBar
    const childView = child.nativeView
    if (childView instanceof TNSNavigationButton) {
      actionBar.navigationButton = childView
    } else if (childView instanceof TNSActionItem) {
      if (atIndex) {
        const ai: TNSActionItem[] = actionBar.actionItems.getItems()
        ai.splice(atIndex, 0, childView)
      } else {
    } else {
      actionBar.titleView = childView
  remove(child, parent) {
    const actionBar = parent.nativeView as TNSActionBar
    const childView = child.nativeView
    if (childView instanceof TNSNavigationButton) {
      if (actionBar.navigationButton === childView) {
        // @ts-ignore
        actionBar.navigationButton = null
    } else if (childView instanceof TNSActionItem) {
    } else {
      if (actionBar.titleView === childView) {
        // @ts-ignore
        actionBar.titleView = null
export const ActionBar: FunctionalComponent = (props, ctx) => {
  return h(
      onVnodeMounted(vnode) {
        const el = vnode.el as NSVElement // TODO: vue-next should export ElementRender
        const actionBar = el.nativeView as TNSActionBar
        const parent = el.parentNode as NSVElement
        if (parent.nativeView instanceof TNSPage) {
          parent.nativeView.actionBar = actionBar
        } else {
          if (__DEV__) {
              `<ActionBar> must be a direct child of a <Page> element - ` +
                `got <${}> instead.`
    ctx.slots.default ? ctx.slots.default() : undefined